Transformational Leader in Population Health and Preventive Medicine
Globally experienced preventive medicine physician with 16+ years of leadership in practice, policy, and research to strengthen health systems.
Proven success in improving health outcomes and equity metrics through innovative program design, data-driven program implementation, and capacity building.
Strong track record of effective partnership with government officials, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, and Ministries of Health worldwide.
Globally experienced preventive medicine physician with 16+ years of leadership in practice, policy, and research to strengthen health systems.
Proven success in improving health outcomes and equity metrics through innovative program design, data-driven program implementation, and capacity building.
Strong track record of effective partnership with government officials, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, and Ministries of Health worldwide.
Detailed Work Experience
Detailed Work Experience
Detailed Work Experience
Career Journey & Professional Milestones
Career Journey & Professional Milestones

Sendero Health Plans
Austin, TX, USA
Chief Medical Officer
Jul 2022 - Present - Full time
Responsible for the health outcomes of roughly 50,000 individual lives (annual membership ranging from 7,000, growing to 28,000) across the 8-county service area of the Travis County Hospital District’s nonprofit health plan
Facilitating the scale-up of programs to mitigate locally prevalent adverse social determinants of health (oversaw the growth and maturation of a large transportation program; fostered new CSO partnerships to provide an age-in-place housing support program; drove a transition to mail-order and extended supply pharmacy programs)
Improving adoption and adherence to value-based contracts and provider incentive programs through driving a new focus on performance data and through improving relationships and accountability with my counterparts at local FQHCs and community primary care clinic networks.

Sendero Health Plans
Austin, TX, USA
Chief Medical Officer
Jul 2022 - Present - Full time
Responsible for the health outcomes of roughly 50,000 individual lives (annual membership ranging from 7,000, growing to 28,000) across the 8-county service area of the Travis County Hospital District’s nonprofit health plan
Facilitating the scale-up of programs to mitigate locally prevalent adverse social determinants of health (oversaw the growth and maturation of a large transportation program; fostered new CSO partnerships to provide an age-in-place housing support program; drove a transition to mail-order and extended supply pharmacy programs)
Improving adoption and adherence to value-based contracts and provider incentive programs through driving a new focus on performance data and through improving relationships and accountability with my counterparts at local FQHCs and community primary care clinic networks.

Washington D.C., Tanzania, remote, global
Senior Technical Advisor, Immunization
Jan 2021 – Present
Lead technical writer for successful grant proposal “SHARP” project, awarded May 2024 from Gavi to Jhpiego (PI Chris Morgan). Technical subject matter expert for research protocol and tool design, liasing with country technical leads (Nigeria, Tanzania, Cote d’Ivoire). (January-April grantwriting; May – present technical support). ($850/day)
Providing subject matter expertise and technical program support to stand up BMGF-funded CHIC Council (writing ToRs, identifying global experts to serve as Members, developing strategic priorities and goals, landscape mapping to guide geographic and technical focus of project, supporting technical advocacy deliverables, documents, and outputs) (Jan 2021 – Present)
Lead Jhpiego technical inputs to support Baltimore City Health Department’s COVID-19 Vaccination response (providing technical oversight to develop online, scale-able training packages; providing immunization insights into mass vaccination and mobile, special populations vaccination strategy) (Jan 2021 – December 2021) ($850/day)

Washington D.C., Tanzania, remote, global
Senior Technical Advisor, Immunization
Jan 2021 – Present
Lead technical writer for successful grant proposal “SHARP” project, awarded May 2024 from Gavi to Jhpiego (PI Chris Morgan). Technical subject matter expert for research protocol and tool design, liasing with country technical leads (Nigeria, Tanzania, Cote d’Ivoire). (January-April grantwriting; May – present technical support). ($850/day)
Providing subject matter expertise and technical program support to stand up BMGF-funded CHIC Council (writing ToRs, identifying global experts to serve as Members, developing strategic priorities and goals, landscape mapping to guide geographic and technical focus of project, supporting technical advocacy deliverables, documents, and outputs) (Jan 2021 – Present)
Lead Jhpiego technical inputs to support Baltimore City Health Department’s COVID-19 Vaccination response (providing technical oversight to develop online, scale-able training packages; providing immunization insights into mass vaccination and mobile, special populations vaccination strategy) (Jan 2021 – December 2021) ($850/day)

International Vaccine Access Center Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD, USA
Research & Practice Faculty Member
Jun 2013
Provided strategic guidance to develop new areas of research, public health practice, partnerships and grants/contracts, and advanced through leadership positions, from Implementation Scientist (2016), promoted to HPV Technical Lead (2018), promoted to Director of Maternal and Adolescent Health Initiatives (2019).
Identified and secured increasing levels of funding, including: The award of approximately US$225,000 across 5 new research and practice projects from 3 new funding sources, including Gavi; (2017-2018) The award of approximately US$11million, over 3 large multi-year projects in vaccine implementation science, including a first-ever Center award from USAID, and new awards from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2019-2020)
Oversaw our center’s initiative to provide technical assistance and support to World Health Organization’s Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals in the 2020 COVID-19 response, as part of M2A award from USAID
Provided technical and research inputs to Baltimore City Health Department, Maryland State government, and to multiple country governments on the investment case for new health services

International Vaccine Access Center Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD, USA
Research & Practice Faculty Member
Jun 2013
Provided strategic guidance to develop new areas of research, public health practice, partnerships and grants/contracts, and advanced through leadership positions, from Implementation Scientist (2016), promoted to HPV Technical Lead (2018), promoted to Director of Maternal and Adolescent Health Initiatives (2019).
Identified and secured increasing levels of funding, including: The award of approximately US$225,000 across 5 new research and practice projects from 3 new funding sources, including Gavi; (2017-2018) The award of approximately US$11million, over 3 large multi-year projects in vaccine implementation science, including a first-ever Center award from USAID, and new awards from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2019-2020)
Oversaw our center’s initiative to provide technical assistance and support to World Health Organization’s Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals in the 2020 COVID-19 response, as part of M2A award from USAID
Provided technical and research inputs to Baltimore City Health Department, Maryland State government, and to multiple country governments on the investment case for new health services

Johns Hopkins General Preventive Medicine Residency Program
Baltimore, MD, USA
Academic Director
Aug 2016 – Jun 2020
Provide strategic inputs to program governance; mentor 5-8 trainees each year; teach and model fundamentals of practice; evaluate resident's performance; serve on admissions and other committees

Johns Hopkins General Preventive Medicine Residency Program
Baltimore, MD, USA
Academic Director
Aug 2016 – Jun 2020
Provide strategic inputs to program governance; mentor 5-8 trainees each year; teach and model fundamentals of practice; evaluate resident's performance; serve on admissions and other committees

International Vaccine Access Center Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD, USA
Director, RAVIN Project (Rotavirus Accelerated Vaccine Introduction Network
Aug 2016 – Jul 2020
Oversaw successful start-up and implementation of $5.9million, 4-year vaccine access project with team of 30 technical experts and staff and from Johns Hopkins, JSI Immunization Center, and the Global Immunization Division of the U.S. CDC; responsible for hiring staff, managing the budget, reporting and relationship management with funder, and communicating project learnings and results to global and country partners
Fostered strong partnerships with global partners including Gavi, WHO, Unicef, and with leadership within country Ministries of Health and Expanded Programs on Immunization, to support vaccine introduction decision-making and implementation, in a cohort of 8+ countries in Africa and Asia

International Vaccine Access Center Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD, USA
Director, RAVIN Project (Rotavirus Accelerated Vaccine Introduction Network
Aug 2016 – Jul 2020
Oversaw successful start-up and implementation of $5.9million, 4-year vaccine access project with team of 30 technical experts and staff and from Johns Hopkins, JSI Immunization Center, and the Global Immunization Division of the U.S. CDC; responsible for hiring staff, managing the budget, reporting and relationship management with funder, and communicating project learnings and results to global and country partners
Fostered strong partnerships with global partners including Gavi, WHO, Unicef, and with leadership within country Ministries of Health and Expanded Programs on Immunization, to support vaccine introduction decision-making and implementation, in a cohort of 8+ countries in Africa and Asia

Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD, USA
Associate Faculty Member
Oct 2020 – Present - part time
Teach and collaborate with faculty colleagues on health disparities, vaccine access, and primary health care program design and delivery

Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD, USA
Associate Faculty Member
Oct 2020 – Present - part time
Teach and collaborate with faculty colleagues on health disparities, vaccine access, and primary health care program design and delivery

Jhpiego/USAID Maternal Child Survival Program
Washington D.C., Tanzania, remote, global
Consultant, Primary Health Care Systems
jul 2015 - nov 2018
Building upon my formative inputs as a post-doctoral fellow with this program, continued as a co-investigator on an MCSP-funded study of a new indicator of quality of facility-based intrapartum care in Tanzania, collecting data and leading analysis and publication of selected research questions

Jhpiego/USAID Maternal Child Survival Program
Washington D.C., Tanzania, remote, global
Consultant, Primary Health Care Systems
jul 2015 - nov 2018
Building upon my formative inputs as a post-doctoral fellow with this program, continued as a co-investigator on an MCSP-funded study of a new indicator of quality of facility-based intrapartum care in Tanzania, collecting data and leading analysis and publication of selected research questions
Career Journey & Professional Milestones
Career Journey & Professional Milestones

Sendero Health Plans
Austin, TX, USA
Chief Medical Officer
Jul 2022 - Present - Full time
Provide executive leadership and strategic guidance to non-profit, community-based health insurance plan (~50,000 lives)
Develop and foster relationships with local health care provider groups to improve access to care and quality
Facilitate the development and scale-up of programs to mitigate locally prevalent adverse social determinants of health

Sendero Health Plans
Austin, TX, USA
Chief Medical Officer
Jul 2022 - Present - Full time
Provide executive leadership and strategic guidance to non-profit, community-based health insurance plan (~50,000 lives)
Develop and foster relationships with local health care provider groups to improve access to care and quality
Facilitate the development and scale-up of programs to mitigate locally prevalent adverse social determinants of health

Washington D.C., Tanzania, remote, global
Senior Technical Advisor, Immunization
Jan 2021 – Present
Lead technical writer for successful grant proposal “SHARP” project, awarded May 2024 from Gavi to Jhpiego (PI Chris Morgan). Technical subject matter expert for research protocol and tool design, liasing with country technical leads (Nigeria, Tanzania, Cote d’Ivoire). (January-April grantwriting; May – present technical support). ($850/day)
Providing subject matter expertise and technical program support to stand up BMGF-funded CHIC Council (writing ToRs, identifying global experts to serve as Members, developing strategic priorities and goals, landscape mapping to guide geographic and technical focus of project, supporting technical advocacy deliverables, documents, and outputs) (Jan 2021 – Present)
Lead Jhpiego technical inputs to support Baltimore City Health Department’s COVID-19 Vaccination response (providing technical oversight to develop online, scale-able training packages; providing immunization insights into mass vaccination and mobile, special populations vaccination strategy) (Jan 2021 – December 2021) ($850/day)

Washington D.C., Tanzania, remote, global
Senior Technical Advisor, Immunization
Jan 2021 – Present
Lead technical writer for successful grant proposal “SHARP” project, awarded May 2024 from Gavi to Jhpiego (PI Chris Morgan). Technical subject matter expert for research protocol and tool design, liasing with country technical leads (Nigeria, Tanzania, Cote d’Ivoire). (January-April grantwriting; May – present technical support). ($850/day)
Providing subject matter expertise and technical program support to stand up BMGF-funded CHIC Council (writing ToRs, identifying global experts to serve as Members, developing strategic priorities and goals, landscape mapping to guide geographic and technical focus of project, supporting technical advocacy deliverables, documents, and outputs) (Jan 2021 – Present)
Lead Jhpiego technical inputs to support Baltimore City Health Department’s COVID-19 Vaccination response (providing technical oversight to develop online, scale-able training packages; providing immunization insights into mass vaccination and mobile, special populations vaccination strategy) (Jan 2021 – December 2021) ($850/day)

Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD, USA
Associate Faculty Member
Oct 2020 – Present - part time
Teach and collaborate with faculty colleagues on health disparities, vaccine access, and primary health care program design and delivery

Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD, USA
Associate Faculty Member
Oct 2020 – Present - part time
Teach and collaborate with faculty colleagues on health disparities, vaccine access, and primary health care program design and delivery

International Vaccine Access Center Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD, USA
Research & Practice Faculty Member
Jun 2013
Provided strategic guidance to develop new areas of research, public health practice, partnerships and grants/contracts, and advanced through leadership positions, from Implementation Scientist (2016), promoted to HPV Technical Lead (2018), promoted to Director of Maternal and Adolescent Health Initiatives (2019).
Identified and secured increasing levels of funding, including: The award of approximately US$225,000 across 5 new research and practice projects from 3 new funding sources, including Gavi; (2017-2018) The award of approximately US$11million, over 3 large multi-year projects in vaccine implementation science, including a first-ever Center award from USAID, and new awards from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2019-2020)
Oversaw our center’s initiative to provide technical assistance and support to World Health Organization’s Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals in the 2020 COVID-19 response, as part of M2A award from USAID
Provided technical and research inputs to Baltimore City Health Department, Maryland State government, and to multiple country governments on the investment case for new health services

International Vaccine Access Center Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD, USA
Research & Practice Faculty Member
Jun 2013
Provided strategic guidance to develop new areas of research, public health practice, partnerships and grants/contracts, and advanced through leadership positions, from Implementation Scientist (2016), promoted to HPV Technical Lead (2018), promoted to Director of Maternal and Adolescent Health Initiatives (2019).
Identified and secured increasing levels of funding, including: The award of approximately US$225,000 across 5 new research and practice projects from 3 new funding sources, including Gavi; (2017-2018) The award of approximately US$11million, over 3 large multi-year projects in vaccine implementation science, including a first-ever Center award from USAID, and new awards from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2019-2020)
Oversaw our center’s initiative to provide technical assistance and support to World Health Organization’s Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals in the 2020 COVID-19 response, as part of M2A award from USAID
Provided technical and research inputs to Baltimore City Health Department, Maryland State government, and to multiple country governments on the investment case for new health services

International Vaccine Access Center Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD, USA
Director, RAVIN Project (Rotavirus Accelerated Vaccine Introduction Network
Aug 2016 – Jul 2020
Oversaw successful start-up and implementation of $5.9million, 4-year vaccine access project with team of 30 technical experts and staff and from Johns Hopkins, JSI Immunization Center, and the Global Immunization Division of the U.S. CDC; responsible for hiring staff, managing the budget, reporting and relationship management with funder, and communicating project learnings and results to global and country partners
Fostered strong partnerships with global partners including Gavi, WHO, Unicef, and with leadership within country Ministries of Health and Expanded Programs on Immunization, to support vaccine introduction decision-making and implementation, in a cohort of 8+ countries in Africa and Asia

International Vaccine Access Center Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD, USA
Director, RAVIN Project (Rotavirus Accelerated Vaccine Introduction Network
Aug 2016 – Jul 2020
Oversaw successful start-up and implementation of $5.9million, 4-year vaccine access project with team of 30 technical experts and staff and from Johns Hopkins, JSI Immunization Center, and the Global Immunization Division of the U.S. CDC; responsible for hiring staff, managing the budget, reporting and relationship management with funder, and communicating project learnings and results to global and country partners
Fostered strong partnerships with global partners including Gavi, WHO, Unicef, and with leadership within country Ministries of Health and Expanded Programs on Immunization, to support vaccine introduction decision-making and implementation, in a cohort of 8+ countries in Africa and Asia

Jhpiego/USAID Maternal Child Survival Program
Washington D.C., Tanzania, remote, global
Consultant, Primary Health Care Systems
jul 2015 - nov 2018
Building upon my formative inputs as a post-doctoral fellow with this program, continued as a co-investigator on an MCSP-funded study of a new indicator of quality of facility-based intrapartum care in Tanzania, collecting data and leading analysis and publication of selected research questions

Jhpiego/USAID Maternal Child Survival Program
Washington D.C., Tanzania, remote, global
Consultant, Primary Health Care Systems
jul 2015 - nov 2018
Building upon my formative inputs as a post-doctoral fellow with this program, continued as a co-investigator on an MCSP-funded study of a new indicator of quality of facility-based intrapartum care in Tanzania, collecting data and leading analysis and publication of selected research questions
Career Journey & Professional Milestones

Sendero Health Plans
Austin, TX, USA
Chief Medical Officer
Jul 2020 - Present
Responsible for the health outcomes of roughly 50,000 individual lives (annual membership ranging from 7,000, growing to 28,000) across the 8-county service area of the Travis County Hospital District’s nonprofit health plan
Facilitating the scale-up of programs to mitigate locally prevalent adverse social determinants of health (oversaw the growth and maturation of a large transportation program; fostered new CSO partnerships to provide an age-in-place housing support program; drove a transition to mail-order and extended supply pharmacy programs)
Improving adoption and adherence to value-based contracts and provider incentive programs through driving a new focus on performance data and through improving relationships and accountability with my counterparts at local FQHCs and community primary care clinic networks.

Washington D.C., Tanzania, remote, global
Senior Technical Advisor, Immunization
Jan 2021 – Present
Lead technical writer for successful grant proposal “SHARP” project, awarded May 2024 from Gavi to Jhpiego (PI Chris Morgan). Technical subject matter expert for research protocol and tool design, liasing with country technical leads (Nigeria, Tanzania, Cote d’Ivoire). (January-April grantwriting; May – present technical support). ($850/day)
Providing subject matter expertise and technical program support to stand up BMGF-funded CHIC Council (writing ToRs, identifying global experts to serve as Members, developing strategic priorities and goals, landscape mapping to guide geographic and technical focus of project, supporting technical advocacy deliverables, documents, and outputs) (Jan 2021 – Present)
Lead Jhpiego technical inputs to support Baltimore City Health Department’s COVID-19 Vaccination response (providing technical oversight to develop online, scale-able training packages; providing immunization insights into mass vaccination and mobile, special populations vaccination strategy) (Jan 2021 – December 2021) ($850/day)

International Vaccine Access Center Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD, USA
Research & Practice Faculty Member
Aug 2016 – Jun 2020
Provided strategic guidance to develop new areas of research, public health practice, partnerships and grants/contracts, and advanced through leadership positions, from Implementation Scientist (2016), promoted to HPV Technical Lead (2018), promoted to Director of Maternal and Adolescent Health Initiatives (2019).
Identified and secured increasing levels of funding, including: The award of approximately US$225,000 across 5 new research and practice projects from 3 new funding sources, including Gavi; (2017-2018) The award of approximately US$11million, over 3 large multi-year projects in vaccine implementation science, including a first-ever Center award from USAID, and new awards from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2019-2020)
Oversaw our center’s initiative to provide technical assistance and support to World Health Organization’s Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals in the 2020 COVID-19 response, as part of M2A award from USAID
Provided technical and research inputs to Baltimore City Health Department, Maryland State government, and to multiple country governments on the investment case for new health services

Johns Hopkins General Preventive Medicine Residency Program
Baltimore, MD, USA
Academic Director
Aug 2016 – Jun 2020
Provide strategic inputs to program governance; mentor 5-8 trainees each year; teach and model fundamentals of practice; evaluate resident's performance; serve on admissions and other committees

International Vaccine Access Center Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD, USA
Director, RAVIN Project (Rotavirus Accelerated Vaccine Introduction Network
Aug 2016 – Jun 2020
Oversaw successful start-up and implementation of $5.9million, 4-year vaccine access project with team of 30 technical experts and staff and from Johns Hopkins, JSI Immunization Center, and the Global Immunization Division of the U.S. CDC; responsible for hiring staff, managing the budget, reporting and relationship management with funder, and communicating project learnings and results to global and country partners
Fostered strong partnerships with global partners including Gavi, WHO, Unicef, and with leadership within country Ministries of Health and Expanded Programs on Immunization, to support vaccine introduction decision-making and implementation, in a cohort of 8+ countries in Africa and Asia

Department of International Health Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Baltimore, MD, USA
Associate Faculty Member
Oct 2020 – Present
Lecture, teach, mentor graduate students, serve on committees (General Preventive Medicine Residency Program), and collaborate with other faculty colleagues on manuscripts and research projects on health disparities, vaccine access, and equitable primary health care program design and delivery

Jhpiego/USAID Maternal Child Survival Program
Washington D.C., Tanzania, remote, global
Consultant, Primary Health Care Systems
jul 2015 - nov 2018
Building upon my formative inputs as a post-doctoral fellow with this program, continued as a co-investigator on an MCSP-funded study of a new indicator of quality of facility-based intrapartum care in Tanzania, collecting data and leading analysis and publication of selected research questions
Post Doctoral Research Fellowship
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Post Doctoral Research Fellowship
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Post Doctoral Research Fellowship
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Resident, Chief Resident
2013-2015, 2015-2016
Johns Hopkins General Preventive Medicine Residency Program
Resident, Chief Resident
2013-2015, 2015-2016
Johns Hopkins General Preventive Medicine Residency Program
Resident, Chief Resident
2013-2015, 2015-2016
Johns Hopkins General Preventive Medicine Residency Program
Master of Public Health
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Master of Public Health
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Master of Public Health
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Doctor of Medicine
University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Columbia, SC
Doctor of Medicine
University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Columbia, SC
Doctor of Medicine
University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Columbia, SC
Bachelor of Science
1999 - 2003
The College of William & Mary, williamsburg, VA
Bachelor of Science
1999 - 2003
The College of William & Mary, williamsburg, VA
Bachelor of Science
1999 - 2003
The College of William & Mary, williamsburg, VA
Unrestricted Maryland License
April 2015 – 2026
Unrestricted Maryland License
April 2015 – 2026
Unrestricted Texas Medical License
April 2021 – 2026
Unrestricted Texas Medical License
April 2021 – 2026
Board-Certified in General Preventive Medicine and Public Health, American Board of Preventive Medicine
Board-Certified in General Preventive Medicine and Public Health, American Board of Preventive Medicine
Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine
2020 – Present
Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine
2020 – Present
15+ peer-reviewed articles, including studies on integration of vaccines
into primary health care delivery systems, health equity, vaccine
delivery, primary health care workforce, and innovative quality metrics
for maternity care.
Let’s Start a Conversation
Let’s Start a Conversation
Unrestricted Maryland License
April 2015 – 2026
Unrestricted Maryland License
April 2015 – 2026
Unrestricted Texas Medical License
April 2021 – 2026
Unrestricted Texas Medical License
April 2021 – 2026
Board-Certified in General Preventive Medicine and Public Health, American Board of Preventive Medicine
Board-Certified in General Preventive Medicine and Public Health, American Board of Preventive Medicine
Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine
2020 – Present
Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine
2020 – Present
15+ peer-reviewed articles, including studies on integration of vaccines
into primary health care delivery systems, health equity, vaccine
delivery, primary health care workforce, and innovative quality metrics
for maternity care.